Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Convention was great this year. One of the things I've learned this year, that it's worth it to be involved with my LaSallian family. I know as the years goes by, it's going to be harder to be involved but I pray that I'll be able to...Vinny and Prita if you are reading this, please remind me hahaha.....
After convention was my conference in G Hotel (organised by my school). I love G Hotel, the rooms are spacious, free internet, the atmosphere is great but the only thing I didn't like was the food. Thought the food was a bit bland and not much of a variety.
The last camp I went was my Committee Planning Retreat (CPR) in Camerons. Let me just say, I wouldn't want to go there during the holidays, cause it's super jam there. Haha my legs were all wobbly hahaha
Well more camps to come......
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
....A pig's orgasm lasts for 30 minutes (talk about too much pleasure)
....Statiscally, more people are afraid of spiders than they fear of death (hmm I think that's so true, reminds me of a friend who is so afraid of spiders....he actually thinks all spiders are tarantulas)
....A cockroach can last 9 days without it's head. (See they are mean insects)
....A statue in a park with a soldier on a horse with it's 2 feet in the air means the soldier died in combat. 1 feet in the air, the soldier was wounded. All feet on the ground, the soldier died of natural cause (Hmm....)
....During the civil war, when troops return without any casualities, a writing was put up so all can see which read '0' Killed....or O.K. that's where it came from....which means all is good.
....In ancient England, people can't have sex without the permission of the King. When people were married and they want to have a child, they needed to ask for permission from the King and the King would give them a plague to hang on their door. The plague read "Fornication Under Consent of the King"...of F.U.C.K. (hmm this sounds a bit weird)
....Elephants are the only animals which can't jump :)
Monday, December 1, 2008
The guys
4) A NEW SAGA - Yes, I'm a proud owner of a new Proton Saga........Black some more (although I wanted Blue a lot). My Black Saga right now is at 1888 km within 1 month hahaha..tat's how much I've traveled. With greater power comes greater responsibility (more money to fork out) But I thank God for the blessing la.........and the car is used to blessed others...and I'm learning to be generous with it. So if u need a ride please don't hesitate to call ya.. :)
5) LAB ALMOST OVER - Yeah......my lab is about 80% done...another few more thigns to tie up and I'm done. I hope to end everything by January so that I can just concentrate fully on my thesis. My target June 2009 so please pray for me ya :)
I guess that's a lil summary on my November.........on to December
1) Convention (6th - 14th) - Yup my usual LaSallan convention wil be held from this weekend. Thought I could run away from lots of thigns but end up have to become facilitator for workshops hahaha...oh well, you can't run from everything.
2) ICENV (15th - 17th) - Wll b part of the Organising Committee to help out with the conference and looking forward to it..
3) CPR (19th - 21st) - My last (hopefully) CPR for the CF..sob sob...but looking forward to go Camerons
4) CHRISTMAS NIGHTS (21st and 23rd) - Have 2 to attend this yr. One in dear's church and one more in PBBC (actually in charge of the program).
5) SINGAPORE (24th - 28th) - Hahah again? yup 3rd time this yr...what can I say I love the place :) but this time got special guest to go with....my one and only dear .......... yeah!!!!
Looks like goign to be another pack month.......cheerios
Monday, November 17, 2008
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Pretty sad ain't it........
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Chinatown...Sam Peng is near where the pink taxi is haha
All in all the trip to Thailand was great. Although I really believed there was an usual force from keeping me from going there....hahaha........
Friday, October 10, 2008
After breakfast, was the real reason why I was there in Thailand, my paper presentation. Overall I think did pretty well could answer the questions they posed. :)
Me at the presentation
After lunch, Dr Lee, me and my friend (Mei Mei) traveled back to Bangkok. Hmm let me just say that travelling in the morning is so much better than at night. It was so different compared to what I experienced the night before. We were dropped at the nearest LRT station and traveled to our new destination...Chinatown where our hotel was....the Grand Ville Hotel. A 3 star hotel which looks like a 4 star. From the concierge to the receptionist, they were extremely friendly. That's another thing about Thais. They are really really friendly. Everywhere you go, they'll say Sawadee. And after buying things, they will definitely say Thank You. I was almost run downed by a motor while walking and the motor stopped infront of me. Haha I thought die..sure kena scolding (imagining the Malaysian scenario) but to my surprise, the gangster looking motorcyclist turned back to apologize....wow never happens in Malaysia (seldom la). Another thing about Bangkok city is that the people dresses up like people in KL so it looked like mini KL only nicer people. People don't rush into buses or the LRTs. However the only thing I can really appreciate about KL is that the traffic there is not as bad compared to Bangkok. There is move or be moved...haha.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
My flight number!
Tune in tomorrow for Sawadee part 2..............
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Haha I'm tagged, it's my first time though. Thanks Aaron Oo
1. The last person that tagged you is? Aaron Oo.
2. Your relationship with him/her? LaSallian friend.
3. Your 5 impression towards him/her. Straightforward - Cute - Cheeky - Smiley - Loud?
4. The most memorable thing that he/she has ever done for u? Hmm calling me his name sake.
5. The most memorable words that he/she spoke to you? Aaron......
6. If he/she becomes your lover, you will.. erm............hahaha
7. If she becomes your enemy, you will..So far, still friends.
8. If he/she become your lover, he/she has to improve on....He should know.
9. If he/she becomes your enemy, the reason is...I insulted him and vice versa
10. The most desirable things to do for him/her is... 0_0
11. Overall impression towards him/her is....Being himself.
12. How do you think the people around you feel about you? Cheerful.
13. The character for yourself is? I'm just me.
14. On the contrary, the character that you hate yourself is? Too emotional.
15. The most ideal person you want to be is? I don't believe in such things.
16. For the person/people who cares and like you, say something about him/her/them. My beloveds
17. 10 ppl to tag..
1. Alex Kuek
2. Yan Wai
3. Joshua Entol
4. Jinny Yew
5. Choulyee
6. Tsu Chong
7. Wan Ling
8. Joshua Johnson
9. Pui Fern
10. Paolo
18. Who is number 2 having relationship with? Somebody I don't know
19. Is 3 a male or female? Male
20. If number 7 and 10 got together, would that be a good thing? Haha would be cute.
21. How about 5 and 8? WAH.
22. What is number 1 studying about? Working.
23. When is the last time u chat with them? Once in a while for some. And some others everyday.
24. Is number 4 still single? Nope.
25. Say something about number 2. A great friend and junior
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
P.S. I will be uploading my picture of my flag later.....hehehe
Jalur Gemilang di bawah naunganmu
Monday, September 15, 2008
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Behold the new website
I have my reasons for choosing that name for my seed. New breath meaning I needed fresh anointing from the Lord. I was getting tired physically and spiritually. From my previous post, you can see how angry I am with the world, the Lord and with the CF. People don't care anymore. The weekend at home in Ipoh prove to be a resting of the body. I was physically and mentally recharged. The weekend at camp was different. My spirit was restored. Mind you it's still in repairing state and it's vulnerable. New showers was because of what Annette (speaker) said to me.....there are new dews in your life Aaron! Meaning new blessings and new challenges ahead which means exciting times are ahead.
A phrase that I will treasure..............
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Actually for a few weeks, have been feeling rather down lately. My whole spiritual life is in a mess. Haven't been reading the bible or spending quiet time regularly. I just have no more heart to do it. One of the reasons is I feel so lonely in campus and that I don't have much friends. You might say your juniors le? Well exactly they are my juniors. I'm also final year with them, but I don't feel final year with them. As much I love them, I sometimes think that they look down on me in certain areas. Haha naturally when you are as big me many people think you don't meet certain qualities. Hmm haven't really tried climbing Mt Kinabalu before though, yet to do it...someday.....
Another reason could have been my stress level. I'm a bad person with stress. I never deal with it properly (unfortunately in my home, I seemed to be the only one who handles it well). As you guys know, I have a very very very XX 10000000000 demanding boss....although she is a great boss but haha sometimes she can really drive me up the wall. A few times already I have broken down because of her.
Hmm but wat my junior said tat day made me think.. GROW UP!!!! I need to GROW UP......it's time that I stop whining and move on. If people don't like the way I am, screw them! If people think I'm like that, then so be it! If people don't care about me, I still care for them! It's a tough world out there but I guess we can only survive if we learn to GROW UP
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Kate Monster: Sure!
Princeton: Well, you know Trekkie Monster upstairs?
Kate Monster: Uh huh.
Princeton: Well, he's Trekkie Monster, and you're Kate Monster.
Kate Monster: Right.
Princeton: You're both Monsters.
Kate Monster: Yeah.
Princeton: Are you two related?
Kate Monster: What?! Princeton, I'm surprised at you! I find that racist!
Princeton: Oh, well, I'm sorry! I was just asking!
Kate Monster: Well, it's a touchy subject. No, not all Monsters are related. What are you trying say, huh? That we all look the same to you? Huh, huh, huh?
Princeton: No, no, no, not at all. I'm sorry, I guess that was a little racist.
Kate Monster: I should say so. You should be much more careful when you're talking about thesensitive subject of race.
Princeton: Well, look who's talking!
Kate Monster: What do you mean?
Princeton: What about that special Monster School you told me about?
Kate Monster: What about it?
Princeton: Could someone like me go there?
Kate Monster: No, we don't want people like you-
Princeton: You see?!
You're a little bit racist.
Kate Monster:Well, you're a little bit too.
Princeton:I guess we're both a little bit racist.
Kate Monster:Admitting it is not an easy thing to do...
Princeton:But I guess it's true.
Kate Monster:Between me and you, I think
Both:Everyone's a little bit racistSometimes.Doesn't mean we go Around committing hate crimes.Look around and you will findNo one's really color blind.Maybe it's a factWe all should faceEveryone makes judgmentsBased on race.
Princeton:Now not big judgments, like who to hire or who to buy a newspaper from -
Kate Monster:No!
Princeton:No, just little judgments like thinking that Mexican busboys should learn to speak goddamn English!
Kate Monster:Right!
Both:Everyone's a little bit racistToday.So, everyone's a little bit racistOkay!Ethinic jokes might be uncouth,But you laugh becauseThey're based on truth.Don't take them as Personal attacks.Everyone enjoys them - So relax!
Princeton:All right, stop me if you've heard this one.
Kate Monster:Okay!
Princeton:There's a plan going down and there's only one paracute. And there's a rabbi, a priest...
Kate Monster:And a black guy!
Gary Coleman:Whatchoo talkin' 'bout Kate?
Kate Monster:Uh...
Gary Coleman:You were telling a black joke!
Princeton:Well, sure, Gary, but lots of people tell black jokes.
Gary Coleman:I don't.
Princeton:Well, of course you don't - you're black! But I bet you tell Polack jokes, right?
Gary Coleman:Well, sure I do. Those stupid Polacks!
Princeton:Now, don't you think that's a little racist?
Gary Coleman:Well, damn, I guess you're right.
Kate Monster:You're a little bit racist.
Gary Coleman:Well, you're a little bit too.
Princeton:We're all a little bit racist.
Gary Coleman:I think that I wouldHave to agree with you.
Princeton/Kate Monster:We're glad you do.
Gary Coleman:It's sad but true!Everyone's a little bit racist -
All right!
Kate Monster:All right!
Princeton:All right!
Gary Coleman:All right!Bigotry has never beenExclusively white
All:If we all could just admitThat we are racist a little bit,Even though we all knowThat it's wrong,Maybe it would help usGet along.
Princeton:Oh, Christ do I feel good.
Gary Coleman:Now there was a fine upstanding black man!
Gary Coleman:Jesus Christ.
Kate Monster:But, Gary, Jesus was white.
Gary Coleman:No, Jesus was black.
Kate Monster:No, Jesus was white.
Gary Coleman:No, I'm pretty sure that Jesus was black-
Princeton:Guys, guys...Jesus was Jewish!
Brian:Hey guys, what are you laughing about?
Gary Coleman:Racism!
Christmas Eve:BRIAN! Come back here! You take out lecycuraburs!
Princeton:What's that mean?
Brian:Um, recyclables. Hey, don't laugh at her! How many languages do you speak?
Kate Monster:Oh, come off it, Brian!Everyone's a little bit racist.
Brian:I'm not!
Princeton:Oh no?
How many Oriental wivesHave you got?
Christmas Eve:What? Brian!
Princeton:Brian, buddy, where you been?The term is Asian-American!
Christmas Eve:I know you are noIntending to beBut calling me Oriental - Offensive to me!
Brian:I'm sorry, honey, I love you.
Christmas Eve:And I love you.
Brian: But you're racist, too.
Christmas Eve:Yes, I know.The Jews have allThe moneyAnd the whites have allThe power.And I'm always in taxi-cabWith driver who no shower!
Princeton:Me too!
Kate Monster:Me too!
Gary Coleman:I can't even get a taxi!
All:Everyone's a little bit racistIt's true.But everyone is just aboutAs racist as you!If we all could just admitThat we are racist a little bit,And everyone stopped beingSo PCMaybe we could live in - Harmony!
Christmas Eve:Evlyone's a ritter bit lacist!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Monday, August 4, 2008
My birthday week started a week earlier. Kah Hon, suddenly messaged me on MSN a week before my birthday. Haha so sweet lor. Here are a few presents I got this year.
1) T-shirt: Mum bought me a t shirt with the words 'As for me and my house, we'll serve the Lord!'. The writings were all hand made by my mum's friend. It serves as a reminder to me that no matter where I go or where I'll be, I'll continue to serve the Lord.
2) Tennis shirt: Dear bought me this. Was actually thinking of getting one but never got around to survey. Now no need. hahaha Adidas you know!!! Thanks dear muacks...
3) 3D puzzle: Han Chen bought me a puzzle of the earth. Seems to be a popular hobby in Taiwan. I've yet to start it but I think will do it to release stress.
4) Body Glove Pencil Box: My best friend Tai Lo and Mei Meei bought me an all so nice pencil box from my fav brand. I love Body Glove's design so thanks TL and MM.
5) Dinner and Karaoke session: Tuesday had dinner with my course mates. Went to one of my fav restaurant for dinner. After that, a few of us decided to sing the night away literally. Karaoke nite was so great :)
6) Dinner at Pizza Hut: Well technically I paid for this, but was with my fav people in CF. Jason (cousin), Derrick (bro), Yan Wai, Simon and Jinny. Thank you guys for being such wonderful juniors. Can't believe I'm labeled as Final Yr like you guys :P
7) Surprise supper at Riyas: After CF, was treated to a melted ice cream cake by the CF. Thanks guys. I love the card that they made for me. 2 chicky's standing there haha.
8) Fridays: Dear took me to Fridays on a Saturday haha. The food there is so cool. Will take my parents there one day.
9) 2 movies in a weekend: Haha watched 2 movies....Dark Knight and also Mummy. Two contrasting movies. One so depressing, one so comedic. you guess which is which :P
Anyway my 1/4 of a century birthday was great. Thanks guys.........
Monday, July 21, 2008
"If God can be proven by theories, equations and formuli then there is no reason to believe in Him, all He wants is your FAITH.." Grace, CPR
"What do you call a female transformer?.........Transistor" Joshua Prakash, CF Meeting
...I Have Seen
"Beer is cheaper than petrol now.....Drink Don't Drive" Eric, E-mail
"Ben lost weight....he is so thin and he wants to be cekap now!" Mum, SMS
Hell Boy.......not too bad a movie. Better than the first one.
...I Have Felt
Here I want to wish my condolence to Zhing Hui on the loss of her mother. People if you have met her, you would know that her spirit is so strong. She really shows the example of what Honouring Thy Parents means.
P.S. Sorry for not updating. :P
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Anyway in other news, was feeling a bit unappreciated the last few days. I just feel as if I was a ball to kick at. Left, right, left, right and when people got their goal, they just kick you to another side. I'm so sick of the ignorance and also the silent treatment I keep getting.....................................................................
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
We all grow up somehow. Sunday was a day I got to see my brother grow up. Ben was admitted to UKM in Bangi and it was kinda weird to see my little brother going to university. I have always viewed him as still the small boy that I love so much. Well he is literally no more small but he's still my brother. To see him entering his university, I'm proud to have a brother like him. Although now we are even further apart but distance make the heart grow fonder right?
Phases....we live through it, we face it everyday. Whether it is a short or long phase, we still need to face it with open hearts and minds. A lot of people have problems with moving through phases. I'm one of them. I'm a person who likes regularity and familiarity (for someone who is doing research where being spontaneous is important). I remembered my first week in university, I was so not accustomed to the whole uni life thing, that after 1 day I wanted to leave USM. But one thing about phases are that we get through it in differenct pace. I'm now on my 6th yr in USM and loving every second of it.
The Le Chatelier prinsip says in any changes in a reaction, the reaction will try to find a balance. I guess that's how we should live our lives. With balance. And if there are any changes to our system, find the balance of it............
In other news, I finally paid the order fee for my car. Another new phase =)
Monday, June 16, 2008
15th OF JUNE
A year ago, I decided to make the biggest decision of staying back another few years for my masters. I still remember it was Friday that my dad took my back here. It was almost like being in first year. He helped me cleaned up before leaving and then asked whether I want to follow him back. I said no. After meeting my supervisor, it was only 3 pm. And I was feeling lonely all the sudden. So I decided to follow a friend back to Ipoh.
A year ago, I was kicked out of hostel and forced to live outside. For a while it was enjoyable, but I missed hostel life. Thank God after 3 months, I was able to move back into hostel and still enjoying every moment of it.
A year ago, I really had no clue what my research is about. I can still remember the tonnes of journal I had to read and the tonnes of websites I had to digest before moving on. The many proposals, corrections and craziness in preparing myself. Now I'm half way done, and I've learnt so much.
A year ago, I cannot imagine where my funds would come. Although Uncle Frank gave me my initial start, but that money won't last me until I finished. Praise God for his faithfulness, I got a scholarship from USM and currently just doing my work and fulfilling their needs as a GA.
A year ago, I was all ready to become an advisor to the CF. I've learnt so much from being a listener. But it was hard, I tend to give my views and comments as a senior. Learning to let go and learning to just listen. Give advices where needed.
So much has happened......and I really thank God for it all
Thursday, June 12, 2008
"If you believe what you like in the gospels, and reject what you don't like, it is not the gospel you believe, but yourself"
Saint Augustine
How many times have we tried to reason with God about what believing in Him really means? Hmm I have to admit, I'm guilty in this area many times..........
Never alone
-by Jim Brickman
May the angels protect you
Trouble neglect you
And heaven accept you when its time to go home
May you always have plenty
The glass never empty
Know in your belly
You're never alone
May your tears come from laughing
You find friends worth having
As every year passes
They mean more than gold
May you win and stay humble
Smile more than grumble
And know when you stumble
You're never alone
Never alone
Never alone
I'll be in every beat of your heart
When you face the unknown
Wherever you fly
This isn't goodbye
My love will follow you stay with you
Baby you're never alone
I have to be honest
As much as I wanted
I'm not gonna promise that cold winds won't blow
So when hard times have found you
And your fears surround you
Wrap my love around you
You're never alone
Monday, June 9, 2008
Here are two quotes that inspired me:
"A person's a person, no matter how small...........................Horton"
"I meant what I said and I said what I meant. An elephant's faithful, 100%.............Horton"
Hmm some things to think about don't you think so
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
I have been feeling rather emo lately too (but some people claims that I'm very emo always). I keep thinking too much into the future and also too much into the negative side of it.
Had a great weekend in Camerons. Was involved with a Church Camp where I helped out in the Children's Department. The kids were fantastic (well almost all of them). Of course there are some wayward kids who cannot keep their mouth shut. But all in all a great camp to help me get in touch with God.
Another great news is that if I get my extension, my parents have agreed that it's time for me to get a CAR!!!! Praise God, something which I have been praying for like a few yrs dee. So please pray together with me so that my scholarship can be extended.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
I named my month of May as God is the God of faithfulness admist of troubles. To tell you the truth, May was not a good month at all. A lot of things happened during this month that left me in the dark sometimes and sometimes left me uncertain.
But I believe that God was in control of things. Last Sunday I played piano for service after a long absence from church. Auntie Emily sang one song that really touched my heart and would like to share with you guys.
You Are Faithful
Lord of all the earth
How You care for me
You have made me
You will save and carry me always
You are faithful
You are faithful
You are faithful
Your joy is my strength
Lord you are my God
I rely on You
I put my hope in things not seen
Your promises all true
Always you're with me
Your hand will lift me
My trust is in your hands
Somethings that have happened in snap shots:
Happy: 1) Attended Wan's wedding, congrats girl!
2) Had a pork party where HC cooked. Seriously everything was pork pork pork
3) My supervisor gave a very good review on my progress report
4) Had a good week with dear in Ipoh
Sad: 1) My supervisor resigned as deputy dean so it will be harder for me to get things
approved. But happy for her cause she is not in good of health
2) Lost 2 friendship :(
3) Was having stress when writing my journal
Prayer need: 1) My fellowship. Hopefuly can extend it
I pray that the month of June would be more fruitful and I hope to update and blog more.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
My room mate is from Iraq and I still remember the first day he came to the room. I was a bit shock cause I've been living alone and was being comfortable living alone (I actually turn my room from a double room to a single room :P) . My first reaction was OMG? A roomie? God how can? I was comfortable being alone. Now got room mate some more a foreigner. Now I have no qualms on who I live with but was feeling funny since this is my first time sharing a room with a foreigner.
Of course I wasn't too happy the first few days, but he tried his very best to accomodate me. He allowed Derrick to come anytime and allowed any of my friends to come in. But of course I still grumble. Hmm maybe I was not happy at all to have a room mate in the beginning (you know me and changes)
As months go by, I started to get annoyed with him. He doesn't like the room lights to be on. So we always stay in darkness. The only light is on in my room is my study lamp. If not there will be no lights at all. The fan in my room is cannot be more than the 3rd speed. Cause if not, it is too fast and he cannot sleep at night. Some nights, he complained about the frogs making noise and will wake me up to ask me what is that noise. Day after day, I complained to dear, complained to Derrick, complained to God. WHY WHY WHY?
Then I realised that hey he is another person. I think I annoy him too with my antics in the room. I started to see that the reason why we don't on the lights or the fan too fast is because it reminds him of the war in Iraq. And that it's still a nightmare there. He started opening to me his life by telling me his parents, his love life, his hobbies, fears, etc. and I just realised, that how thankful I am to be where I am. Some days, I really complained about my situation or how I'm living, but to have someone remind you that there are even more people far worst than us, shamed me.
Sunday was mother's day, I got to go back and see my mum. He could only see his mum on the pc. I feel sorry now that I have not appreciated him. Last nite as he told me about his ex gf, gave me light that he is just as normal as me......... Hmm things you learn from a room mate. Thank You God
Monday, May 5, 2008
Was really glad to be able to help out in this convention. Actually I was looking forward to a LaSallian programme. Haven't been attending one since FT meeting and I really feel disconnected from the mission work. Anyway was asked to become the summarizer of the camp so I had to force myself to listen every session. Oh well, the facilitators (who are all my wonderful friends) all did well, and for me to see them grow into the persons that they are, really encourage me to see how this small group can make a difference for our Malaysian youth (read LaSallian).
Another thing I must high lite is the satay celup outing which Han Siu brought us. Curious? Well it's like eating lok-lok (those from Ipoh and Penang will know this more) but the difference is you use a peanut sauce based soup to cook ur food. The peanut sauce is the normal sauce you'll get when eating normal satay. The food was great but can't each much because of all those peanut makes it very chai (jelak)
Sorry no pics though. Haha
All in all it was a great weekend away from USM. And it was great because I was back doing LaSallian work which I really miss for the last few months.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Notice that Paul always start with to the saints in __________. Hmm I wonder whether Paul will write to the saints in Parit Buntar. Am I a saint? Do I work for the good of his Kingdom here in Parit Buntar?
Another famous quote that he likes to write is from the Servant (Slave) of God. Wow!!! Slave. Meaning you can't answer back to God. If we are really the servants of God, we need to just follow orders no matter how ridiculous it is.
So God wants us to be both A Saint and A Servant
Who Am I then?
Friday, April 25, 2008
and I stumbled out of bedand dragged my feet across the room
Right outside my front door was a rose
and a note that said 'Somebody Loves You'
But out on the street it starts to pour
and before I get soaking wet,
A total stranger runs to give me
the jacket off his back
I turn around to thank him
But he waves me with a smile
I can hardly believe my eyes
He puts on a halo and starts to fly
Take a look at the ordinary
Don't need to look at paradise
You could be next to
an angel in disguise
I met a good friend for lunch
and we had a delicious meal
But I forgot to bring my wallet
I felt like an imbecile
But she was sweet,
she gave me a treat
and bought me a chicken sandwich
To take home for tea
But out on the street with nothing to eat
A man and his shopping cart go
Travelling to places,
Collecting social graces
I give him my sandwich
and we chatter for a while
I see a rainbow wash over his eyes
He gives me his halo and I start to fly
Take a look at the ordinary
Don't need to look for paradise
You could be next to an angel in disguise
Don't try to hide away from me
I know you're by my side
Take a look at the ordinary
Don't need to look for paradise
You could be next to
an angel in disguise
Everyday can be legendary
Every minute, an endless surprise
You could be the next angel in disguise
I woke up this morning
Feeling kind of new...
This song is written and sung by Corrinne May. Was introduced to her by Papa Bear a few years back and this song speaks a lot to me. It reminds me that we need to be an angel in disguise. We are all God's agent on earth. The bible says we need to do everything with love. And to be an Angel we need to have that love to help others.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
SS: What do you think about gay relationships?
Me: Er....why ah you ask this?
SS: Cause I think I am and I've fallen for you
Me: (0_0) Er Is this a joke?
Try calling, nobody pick up phone
The next morning
SS: Eh sorry about last nite, I was drunk..........etc...
Hmm.........really -_-||||||
Thursday, April 17, 2008
But all not so bad. May will be a busy month for me. First week of May will be going to Melaka for Southern Convention and then the second week will be going Singapore with dear for about 4 days. After that I'll be at her place until Wesak Day and then back to campus. The last week of May I will be going to Camerons for a church camp where I'm helping out as a Children's Church teacher. So that's whole of May.
The only month where I'll be really 100% in campus will be June. Hmm it will be different this year cause last year I was really alone nobody in campus but this year at least got Tai Lo and the gang to teman me. So I don't think I'll be that sad.
Oh well...life goes on
Here's the address, please feel free to enter and browse around
Sorry haven't been bloggin. Been super busy with my research and I'm going crazy.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
For instance, I can't kick a damn football for nuts. So I never played it. Actually I don't even like it...(haha cannot understand why 22 ppl need to chase after one ball).
Badminton. I can hit the shuttle, but can't smash it.
Tennis. Just learnt how to play it, still bad but never won a match
Ping Pong. Can play but never won a match
Chess. Haha this is hilarious, I was the exco for the chess club in school but never won a match either
As u can see, I just naturally suck at sports. I pity those who have ever partnered me. I know they always feel frustrated when I'm playing next to them. So sorry guys, I'm just bad........Maybe I should stick to chasing games :P
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Monday, March 24, 2008

What is so special about this mime is that it was created by Rachel Joy Scott. If you don't know who she is, she is one of the victims in the Columbine School Shooting massacre. She did this mime 2 weeks before she was shot. However, this mime is still being done all over the world, just type 'Watch the Lamb - mime' and you'll see a whole lot of videos on it.
Watch the Lamb
Walking On the RoadTo Jerusalem,
The time had come to sacrifice, Again,
My two small sons,
They walked beside me down the road,
The reason that they came,
Was to watch the lamb...
"Daddy daddy,What will we see there,
There's so much that we don't understand,"
So I told them of Moses,
And Father Abraham
And I said dear children,
"Watch the lamb....There will be so many,
In Jerusalem today,
We must be sure the lamb,
Doesn't run away,"
And I told them of Moses,
And Father Abraham,
And I said "Dear children,Watch the lamb...."
When we reached the city,
I knew something must be wrong,
There were no joyful worshippers,
No joyful worship songs,
And I stood there,
With my children,
In the midst of angry men,
Then I heard a crowd cry out,
"Crucify Him!"
We tried to leave the city,
But we could not get away,
Forced to play in this drama,
A part I did not want to play,
Why upon this day were men condemned to die,
Why were we standing right here,
Where soon they would pass by,
I looked and I said,"Even now they come,"
The first one cried for mercy,
The people gave him none,
The second one was violent,
He was arrogant and loud,
I can still hear his angry voice,
Screaming at the crowd,
Then someone said,
"There's Jesus,"
I scarce believed my eyes,
A man so badly beaten,
He barely looked alive,
Blood poured from His body,
From the thorns on His brow,
Running down the cross,
And falling to the ground,
I watched as He struggled,
And I watched Him when He fell,
The cross came down upon His back,
And the crowd began to yell,
In that moment I felt such agony,
In that moment I felt such loss,
Till two roman soldier grabbed my arm and screamed,
"YOU! Carry his cross!"
At first I tried to resist him,
But his hand reached for his sword,
So I knelt and I took
The cross from the Lord
I put it on my shoulders
We started down the street
And the blood that He'd been shedding,
Was running down my cheeck
They led us to Golgatha
They drove nails,
Deep in His feet and hands,
And on the cross,
I heard him pray,"Father, forgive them..."
Never have I seen such love
In any other eyes
"Into thy hands I commit my spirit,"He prayed,
And then He died.
I stood for what seemed like years,
I lost all sense of time,
Then I felt two tiny hands
Holding tight to mine
My children stood there weeping,
And I heard the oldest say
"Father please forgive us,The lamb,Ran away...
Daddy daddy,What've we seen here,
There's so much that we don't understand,"
So I took them in my arms,
We turned and faced the cross
And I said"Dear children
Watch the lamb..."
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Live In Joy
Live in Joy, In Love
Even Among Those Who Hate
Live in Joy, In Heath
Even Among The Afflicted
Live in Joy, In Peace
Even Among the Troubled
Look Within, Be Still
Free From Fear and Attachment
Know the Sweet Joy
Of Living in The Way
Another things I must mention was that how proud I was with Dear. She helped to pray for our friend's mum and also shared the gospel. Now we just need to continue to pray for her.
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Yesterday was the day Malaysia decided. I was so excited as I was a first time voter. Dad and I went after he finished work. You cannot imagine how nervous I was. As I was lining up to take my number, there was old uncle who came to the counter:
Uncle: Eh....sini DAP punya kaunter ah?
SPR 1: Bukan Encik, sini SPR kaunter...
Uncle: Aik...why you use this colour for your table? Nanti orang anggap sini DAP kawasan.
SPR 1: -_- huhuhuh............
After getting the number, went to a class room, wah damn tension so many people looking at you. Then after getting the ballot papers, have to go to a little booth to cross. So scared, my dad said have to cross within the square if not considered void. Wah.....like primary kids have to make sure I don't mark out the line.
Before you know it, I was done. Took only about 5 minutes and I was out of there. There was not much a drama during the day cause the drama started at 9 pm........
I was all ready with the score card from The Star and a pen and channel 501 for the latest. Let me tell you it was SHOCKING.............Okay it was no surprise that DAP won Penang but didn't know so good. And then even my church member from PBBC lost her seat with a larger majority. Okay then the news, Kedah was taken by the opposition den Kelantan den S'gor and den the big shock PERAK!!!!!! Yes.......DAP won in all seats in PERAK.... Nobody thought they could even the opposition were surprise. So by 4 am, BN has only 137 seats in Parliment (meaning they still rule the country) , opposition 85......( tat's about 1/3)....but the opposition has taken over 5 states.
Now I believe in the democracy process all this while. So I guess there was no vote rigging. But i have to admit BN was a gentleman and they just conceded.
Shocker for the night was : Sharizat and Mei Fun.....Both are my favourite politicians, oh well luck wasn't on their side and i can see that the trend of voters this year was voting for the party and not the personality (I could be wrong cause some strong personality also won).
1 thing I have admit, I was sad for Samy Vellu. He should have stepped down when he had the chance. Now he is ousted and I guess in shame.
So Malaysia, you have made your choices.........A new change has started so let's pray and hope that things will take off from here. To the people we voted in, you convinced us you can do a better job now prove it!!!!
Today something bad happened. On the way to church, my mum's handbag was snatched right in front of our eyes. I must say I was shocked and started chasing that fucker (sorry about the language). My mum is okay and thank God she was unhurt but I know now, my church will have to raise security........
Monday, March 3, 2008
I believe that we should vote for the person. It's the MP who will help your constitutent and it is your MP who will listen to you not a party. I'm also on the mission to promote to vote in Christian MPs. But more for Christian MPs who are willing to fight in Parliment for God. Alas there are very few.
Anyway here's a few facts about the seat I'm voting in:
Ipoh Timur
Liew Mun Hon (MCA)
Lim Kit Siang (DAP) - Incumbent
Voters: 76,647
Malay: 12.3%, Chinese: 81.5%, Indian: 5.0%, Others: 0.7%
Vincent Hooi Wy Hon (Gerakan) - Incumbent
Wong Kar Woh (DAP)
Voters: 31,990
Malay: 13.0%, Chinese: 78.0%, Indian: 7.6%, Others: 1.3%
Who will I vote for? haha that's a secret........shh...........
Sunday, February 24, 2008

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Wednesday, January 30, 2008
A man found a cocoon for a butterfly.One day a small opening appeared, he watched the butterfly for several hours as it struggled to force its bodythrough the little hole. Then it seemed to stop making any progress. It appeared as if it had gotten as far as it could and could go no further. Then the man decided to help the butterfly. He took a pair of scissors and snipped the remaining bit of the cocoon. The butterfly then emerged easily. Something was strange. The butterfly had a swollen body and shriveled wings.
The man continued to watch the butterfly because he expected at any moment, the wings would enlarge and expand to be able to support the body, which would contract in time. Neither happened. In fact, the butterfly spent the rest of its life crawling around with a swollen body and deformed wings. It was never able to fly. What the man in his kindness and haste did not understand, was that the restricting cocoon and the struggle required for the butterfly to get through the small opening of the cocoon are God`s way of forcing fluid from the body of the butterfly into its wings so that it would be ready for flight once it achieved its freedom from the cocoon.
Sometimes struggles are exactly what we need in our life. If God allowed us to go through all our life without any obstacles, that would cripple us. We would not be as strong as what we could have been. Not only that,we could never fly.
"Sunshine alone won't makes our life beautiful, In every person's life, some rain MUST fall"
How appropriate this wise saying, It does not say MAY or COULD fall, It say MUST fall.
Those who are struggling, keep pushing.......