Monday, September 15, 2008


Recently, I'm recovering from all the bruises and scracthes I have on my spirit. It hasn't been the best of weeks but I'm still moving on. I can see that my temper has shorten and I'm also getting irritated easily by people's remark. I've become too sensitive to many things now. Some people say somethings and then ouches it hurts. I guess the wounds are deep this time and it's taking time. What happened?

Well I can tell you that it's the lack of attention. Hah? Seriously it is. Not many people know that I struggle a lot every day and not many people see that I am also human, needs comforting and assurance. Sounds selfish right? but not when you yourself are doing it for people. Nope not asking that you give me back what I give you, but sometimes it hurts that not many people care about what you are going through. Today during the sermon, I remembered something I learnt in Camp Cameron. We are all wounded healers. All of us. We need to know that as much as we want people to help soothe our hurt, we need to soothe others as well. We cannot be lone rangers and we cannot even just think that our mission is the greatest mission. All of us are wounded healers, made equally in Christ.

At the moment, my wounds are deep and not only that, some people are rubbing salt into it. Annette said in camp that I'll be experiencing things that I have not experienced before. I guess this is it.

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