Monday, June 9, 2008


Recently got to watch some animations. Haven't really seen one for a long time. And I stumbled upon this new animation called 'Horton Hears a Who'. An adaptation from a book of the same name by the famous Dr. Seuss. Now I remember watching an episode in Oprah about this. She said that Dr. Seuss is such a deep deep person. I really think he is. You can imagine the messages you can get from the movie. The movie has the voice of Jim Carrey, Steve Carell and the ever great Carol Burnett. 3 funny people to make this funny and yet touching movie. If you can go check it out.

Here are two quotes that inspired me:

"A person's a person, no matter how small...........................Horton"

"I meant what I said and I said what I meant. An elephant's faithful, 100%.............Horton"

Hmm some things to think about don't you think so

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