Tuesday, July 8, 2008


About a few days ago, as I was leaving for church, I opened my bible and urgh, ants built a nest in my bible. First of all it took just one night cause the night before I was reading it and the next day, the nest was built. It was disgusting and it took quite a while to actually destroyed it. Was really trying real hard not to get bitten but of course kena also la. Hmm I was looking at this situation as a Christian, how easy sin can creep into our lives. We can ask God to forgive us today and by the next day we are back to sinning. And each time we sin, God gets 'bitten' by it. We hurt Him. But yet we still do it.

Anyway in other news, was feeling a bit unappreciated the last few days. I just feel as if I was a ball to kick at. Left, right, left, right and when people got their goal, they just kick you to another side. I'm so sick of the ignorance and also the silent treatment I keep getting.....................................................................

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