Tuesday, December 2, 2008


I'm a sucker for did you know facts.......I got an email yesterday on some interesting did you know facts so.....here's some

....A pig's orgasm lasts for 30 minutes (talk about too much pleasure)

....Statiscally, more people are afraid of spiders than they fear of death (hmm I think that's so true, reminds me of a friend who is so afraid of spiders....he actually thinks all spiders are tarantulas)

....A cockroach can last 9 days without it's head. (See they are mean insects)

....A statue in a park with a soldier on a horse with it's 2 feet in the air means the soldier died in combat. 1 feet in the air, the soldier was wounded. All feet on the ground, the soldier died of natural cause (Hmm....)

....During the civil war, when troops return without any casualities, a writing was put up so all can see which read '0' Killed....or O.K. that's where it came from....which means all is good.

....In ancient England, people can't have sex without the permission of the King. When people were married and they want to have a child, they needed to ask for permission from the King and the King would give them a plague to hang on their door. The plague read "Fornication Under Consent of the King"...of F.U.C.K. (hmm this sounds a bit weird)

....Elephants are the only animals which can't jump :)

1 comment:

Hydrangea said...

fren, u'd been tagged, visit my blog