Wednesday, December 12, 2007
As we turn our lives
Down this complicated road
If you need a hand to hold
I promise you
I will be your friend
Through whatever life may send
And I know that you will be there too
If I should lose my way
Along this road we share
Please bring me home, come-what-may
If I should lose my way
When the wild wind blows
And the rain begins to fall
I will find you through it all
And comfort you
But as we move on
Should you turn and find me gone
Then just rest awhile, I'll be along
If I should lose my way
Along this road we share
Please wait for me, come-what-may
If I should lose my way
Day after day,
Never let the sun go down
'Till love is found once more
If I should lose my way
Along this road we share
Please look for me, come-what-may
If I should lose my way
Please look for me...If I should lose my way
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Hey peeps,
So sorry was away for about 1 week. In Singapore now for the Asia Pacific LaSallian Youth Congress (APLYC). Will blog more about it once I get back. Still tired (actually very tired). You want to know here.......
Thursday, November 29, 2007
If you care for someone don't expect the person to care as much as you do. So look at the motives of your caring. Do you care because you really care for his/her life or because you also want that person to care for you back. I always had this issue. I realise that in the bible it asks us to care because Jesus cares. But I guess the human side of me would want the other person to care back.
I remembered Su Anne told me, we all care differently....... and all of us have a certain limit to our caring. Someone once told me that I cared too much that it gave so much pressure for him. To that person let me say to you that it was not my intention to do so. I love caring for those whom I really care. I am able to give as much because I have the ability and resources too.
Caring for someone means you need to first love that person. Love meaning not the gf bf only but it also includes love from all aspects. I care for my own family because I love them. I care for Sui YIng so much because I love her. I care for Derrick so much because I love him. So without love we cannot care. Jesus loves us so much that's why he can care so much.
But be can become frustrating. Why? because sometimes you love them too much you become emotional attached to them. So you figured out that you are not doing more or not doing a good job when they don't respond to you. I've learn that sometime the other party just can't care like you do. Give him/her the chance to care in his/her own way. HAha easier said than done but it's something that we got to learn if not it hurts bad.
Another thing I've learn is be honest with each other. If you feel that you have been neglected tell the person.....maybe he/she has cared for you but you didn't notice like maybe staying a few days more or even just spend time with you. Just tell each other how you guys feel, then hopefully both of you will come to an understanding.
Caring for people is not an easy task. We need God to actually sustain us when you feel emotionally dry. As for the cared for person, I know also......I was cared for too, and I sometimes do not appreciate it. So to those who are cared for remember the carer. Sometimes the things you do and say can hurt the person who is caring for you. Maybe you don't know it but sometimes the carer also needs some little attention from you the cared for.
To everyone........don't stop caring for one another. It is through caring that we can show love to each other and I guess it will make this world a better place
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
A preacher on a Sunday morning was giving the annoucement. "Today I have some good news and some bad news to share with you"
"We want to hear the good news first", said one of his congregation
"Well I want to say that we have enough funds to sustain our church. We have enough money to renovate our church. We always wanted the new tiles for our floors, well now we can do it. Not only that, we have extras to be able to employ more workers while still able to support our current staff and pastors. We can even support 1 or 2 mission workers overseas", exclaimed the preacher.
The whole church then suddenly erupted in cheers and shout of Amen and Hallelujah. When the noise died down, another member of his congregation asked, "What is the bad news then?"
The preacher looked up and sigh, "The funds are all in your pocket!"
Something to think about right?
Friday, November 16, 2007
Here's the banner that goes to that link.
Enjoy peeps..........
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Peer Review Score (40%)
Recruiter Review (10%)
International Faculty Score (5%)
International Students Score (5%)
Faculty/Student Score (20%)
Citations/Faculty score (20%)
Furthermore, the THES ranking does not verify the names of the Universities properly. For example, the University of Illinois which actually comprises of 3 separate campuses(universities) was lumped together in the ranking.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
And this is what it means for me
As an Autobot spy, Bumblebee is the ultimate robot in disguise. What he lacks in size and strength, he makes up for with courage. He enjoys the company of humans and would do anything for his Earthly friends. Like Bumblebee, you are compassionate and your heart is pure. Your leadership skills are weak at best. You will never be the commander of the Autobots. In addition, you use technology when you need to, but you do not embrace the latest trends.
Monday, November 5, 2007
Seasons Of Love
Five hundred twenty-five thousand
Six hundred minutes,
Five hundred twenty-five thousand
Moments so dear.
Five hundred twenty-five thousand
Six hundred minutes
How do you measure, measure a year?
In Daylights, in sunsets, in midnights
In cups of coffee
In inches, in miles, in laughter, in strife.
In five hundred twenty-five thousand
Six hundred minutes
How do you measure
A year in the life?
How about love?
How about love?
How about love?
Measure in love
Seasons of love.
Seasons of love.
Five hundred twenty-five thousand
Six hundred minutes!
Five hundred twenty-five thousand
Journeys to plan.
Five hundred twenty-five thousand
Six hundred minutes
How do you measure the life
Of a woman or a man?
In truths that she learned,
Or in times that he cried,
In bridges he burned,
Or the way that she died.
It's time now to sing out,
Tho' the story never ends
Let's celebrate
Remember a year in the life of friends
Remember the love!
Remember the love!
Remember the love
Measure in love
Seasons of love!
Seasons of love.
Oh you got to remember the love,
You know that love is a gift from up above
Share love, give love, spread love
Measure, measure your life in love.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Derrick at the bridge competition
My parents this year...ain't them sweet
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Romans 5:3-4 (NKJV)
And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance, and perseverance, character and character, hope
Another version puts it as "Rejoice in your sufferings" God actually wants us to Rejoice in our sufferings. Do you know that many students in USM fail to see this. Even myself, I've fail to look beyond all the exams and assignments. I believe all of this is for us to know that the outside world is worst. Exams and assignments are designed to shape us. As long as we don't give up, our character will be molded. What character? I believe it is the Fruit of the Spirit. Only through perseverance that the qualities of the fruit can rise in us. And of course at the end of day, God tells us that there is hope. I always believe that is God is consistent. And true enough, the message of hope runs through the whole bible.
I hope that we can rejoice in our trials and also our stresses.
Saturday, September 29, 2007
It so happened that I received an e-mail from a colleague at work about living a positive outlook of life.
John is the kind of guy you love to hate. He is always in a good mood and always has something positive to say. When someone would ask him how he was doing, he would reply,"If I were any better, I would be twins!"
He was a natural motivator. If an employee was having a bad day, John was there telling the employee how to look on the positive side ofthe situation. Seeing this style really made me curious, so one day I went up and asked him, "I don't get it! You can't be a positive person all of the time. How do you do it?"
He replied, "Each morning I wake up and say to myself, you have two choices today. You can choose to be in a good mood or ... you can choose to be in a badmood. I choose to be in a good mood. "Each time something bad happens, I can choose to be a victim.....or......I can choose to learn from it. I choose to learn from it. Every time someone comes to me complaining, I can choose to accept their complaining...... or... I can point out the positive side of life. I choose the positive side of life."
"Yeah, right, it's not that easy," I protested. "Yes, it is," he said. "Life is all about choices. When you cut away all the junk, every situation is a choice. You choose how you react to situations. You choose how people affect your mood. You choose to be in a good mood or bad mood. The bottom line: It's your choice how you live your life."
I reflected on what he said. Soon hereafter, I left the Tower Industry to start my own business. We lost touch, but I often thought about him when I made a choice about life instead of reacting to it. Several years later, I heard that he was involved in a serious accident, falling some 60 feet from a communications tower. After 18 hours of surgery and weeks of intensive care, he was released from the hospital with rods placed in his back. I saw him about six months after the accident. When I asked him how he was, he replied,"If I were any better, I'd be twins Wanna see my scars?" I declined to see his wounds, but I did ask him what had gone through his mind as the accident took place.
"The first thing that went through my mind was the well-being of my soon-to-be born daughter," he replied. "Then, as I lay on the ground, I remembered that I had two choices: I could choose to live..... or...I could choose to die. I chose to live."
"Weren't you scared? Did you lose consciousness?" I asked. He continued, "..the paramedics were great. They kept telling me I was going to be fine. But when they wheeled me into the ER and I saw the Expressions on the faces of the doctors and nurses, I got really scared. In their eyes, I read 'he's a dead man'. I knew I needed to take action."
"What did you do?" I asked. "Well, there was a big burly nurse shouting questions at me," said John." She asked if I was allergic to anything."Yes, I replied." The doctors and nurses stopped working as they waited for my reply. I took a deep breath and yelled, 'Gravity'."Over their laughter, I told them, "I am choosing to live. Operate on me as if I am alive, not dead."
He lived, thanks to the skill of his doctors, but also because of his amazing attitude........I learned from him that every day we have the choice to live fully. Attitude, after all, is everything. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." After all today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday. Think Positive & Live.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
A lot of people asked me why am I so generous. Hmm I guess it's because my life was blessed by other people around me that I feel blessing should continue to flow.
1) The first person I must address is my mum. She thought me that we cannot always think about our finances and hold on them too tight because at the end of the day, it will control you. So let God be the financial officer.
2) Pst Jacs...she took me in after form six to lower my parent's burden. It's where I learn independence and how to trust God for his help.
3) big bro in campus. He taught me that if you bless someone, God will bless you back. But the motive of blessing must be sincere and not that you want the blessing from God.
4) Uncle Frank...this person only recently showed me what is to bless. He blessed me with financial aid to continue my studies this year. He told me that I need not to repay him but to make sure when I'm sucessful, I should bless others back.
The whole idea of blessing intrigues me. It's actually a simple task. That's the reason why I don't like chase people if they owe me money, I usually don't really care about who owes me what.
Hmm here's a test I did about selfishness. Haha I scored 14% meaning I'm not selfish. I think I added marks about the part on presents. I love presents!! So sometimes I always feel that when I give something to you, I hope to get back something from you. Alas, I'm not perfect
You Are 14% Selfish |
![]() In other words, you're a warm, caring considerate person. Just make sure to get your way sometimes. There's a fine line between unselfish and pushover. |
Monday, September 17, 2007
I'm so sorry for not blogging. Thank you for your messages and sms about your concerns. I'm okay just that don't have time to sit down and type.
Just came back from a programme called LEAD. Lasallian Expedition and Development Camp. This is not my first time going for this camp but it is my first time travelling down south to Melaka. I have been with the Northern team for the past .....forever and I thought a change of atmosphere and environment will do me some good. Overall I had fun minus the fact that I actually travelled for about more than 16 hours from Penang to Melaka and back again.
Oh ya before I forget, LEAD is a camp for kids for under privilege kids who do not have the luxury to go for camps. These includes those who are poor, those who don't do very well in class and also those with discipline problems. So it's actually those boys who never got to go for leadership camps like the prefects or motivational camps for the first class boys.
For this year LEAD there was a total of 24 boys with 10 OTs that were cooped up in these place called Pantai Kundur Brother's Bungalow. A creepy mansion on the hill. It's super creepy you know.
Hmm this camp was an eye opener for me this year. I got to meet boys from the Portugese settlement. As you know, the Portugese have been around Malaysia for almost 400 years and they are a very close knit committee. But one of the thing that shocked me was about their lifestyle. The kids of these communitites are not cared about. Their parents just leave them as they are. So these kids pick up many bad habits like smoking, drugs and even sex (heard that by 12 they are doing it). These kids are not afraid of you even when you scold them because they are so use to be doing bad habits that it is part of their system. Another shocking thing was these kids do not really work hard to pursue their dreams. Out of 20 boys only 1 will make it to university (shocking). Bro Mike (the teacher in charge) told me that the Portugese people do not think about the future. They just think about living life now.
During our nightly sharing, Isaac mentioned and asked are these the boys that we wanted them to come? I said, well the whole idea of LEAD is them. So I guess no matter how naughty and cheeky they were, these are the boys that we are targetting. These boys have the will power and the ability to do great thigns. They might not be engineers or doctors or super brains but I know that thses kids have so much potential in them if only they were given a chance. During the last nite of the camp, the kids put up a show. And most of their sketches depicts the many situations they face in school in realy life from being scolded and branded stupid by their peers and also by their friends. It's actually a sad thing.....that I almost weep for them. Is society so cruel?
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Before entering the ain't I
My u mum and dad
After the ceremony, the whole family, dad, me, Ben and mum
My sweet u so much
My God bro, Derrick...
My nephews....Nick and Bi Peen
Partner in ministry...Max...miss u bro!
My best friend for life.....HO HO HO
Two of my best friends in campus....tai lo and Jinson
My CF CG - Self Control......Jason, Kean Hwa, Me, Nick, Pui Fern and Yan Wai
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Friday came and the anticipation was building. I still didn't know how to tie my kalung (sash) so Tai Lo came over to help me. After that we had a mini full dress rehersal. We didn't want to make a fool out of ourselves.
Saturday the big day. Mum, dad and Ben arrived about 9 something to Parit Buntar and we had breakfast. After that we went straight to Penang. Had lunch and some weird roti bakar. We arrived at USM at about 1 pm. I went to register whereas my parents and brother planted themselves in a DK to cool off. After registering, I bumped into my coursemates and we updated ourselves. Most of them are already working and earning more than RM 2000 whereas me, I'm still studying and earning less than that. I met Jinson and Vinod and we helped one another with the robes and kalung (which I still failed). After that we waited for the time to enter the hall.
At about 2.30 pm, we left for the hall. Mum and Dad already left for main hall. It was exciting to see all my friends in robes and all. It really looked like the Malaysian version of Harry Potter. We entered the hall and a short briefing was done. The ceremony started on time and after the formalities, the scroll event began. It took 45 minutes to reach my name and 1 1/2 hours to finish the whole ceremony. It was a 3 hours ceremony!!!
The after ceremony is always the best. Because it is the time where we meet our juniors and snap photos. Here I must thank my bro, Ben, for being the photographer. Haha he is a pro in it. I really thank God for him. Took photos for about 1 hour and then at dad's request, we left. We were going to Batu Ferringhi. Staying at my cousin's place for the night. Before that we were stuck in a 1 1/2 hours jam. So bad, until my dad was super angry. But what to do, we had to follow tat one road out of USM.
We reached my cousin's place at 9 something. Had a feast. and went to bed straight
Morning came and off we went to have brunch at a mamak stall. Nice food man. Then we went to the beach to just walk walk and take photos. Before going to a real photo shoot at 2pm. After tat we went to eat Char Koay Teow...damn expensive Rm 4 one plate......!!!sweat -_-
We met my dear at Queensbay and went windown shopping for about 2 hours before leaving for dinner. Had my favourite clay pot rice at teluk Bayan. We left Penang about 7 something and I reached Parit Buntar almost 9pm. My parents said goodbye and off then went back to IPoh.
The whole weekend was fun but tiring. Most of all the people that I loved were there with me. Dad, Mum, Ben, Sui YIng, Derrick and even my friends. To all my coursemates...have a safe journey to ur dreams and to all my CF friends...thanks for ur support. God bless
I will upload photos tomorrow. Something wrong with my connection.
Monday, August 13, 2007
Newton the man.....
An illustration of the 3rd Law
How is it relevant to real life? I believe that any action that we do will cause something. Sometimes we only think about the reaction that will happen to us but we do not think about the reaction that will happen to other people. Hmm the whole web of life thingy. Any decisions or actions we take will indeed affect others.
I was reminded by the book "Five People You will Meet in Heaven", there is a line that goes. All are affected as our stories are one (paraphased haha). I believe that we need to sometimes think of our actions.
Monday, July 30, 2007
Physically, yes...hahaha I think my waist have grown an inch. Mentally, yes.....I'm learning about myself and my struggles and how to deal with them. Emotionally, hmm a bit hard to see whether I have grown. The struggles I have emotionally has taken a toll on my view of life. Hmm...I think my spiritual life have also dwindled abit. The fact that I don't read the bible daily anymore.............
24 is such a weird number to me. It's double. 4 is the double of 2. 24 is twice the 12 year chinese cycle. Everything is doubled. I think the sense that I'm actualy getting older is getting to me. hm....need to really reflect about my life thus far...........
Happy Birthday to me!
Friday, July 27, 2007
From The Inside Out
by Hillsong United
album: United We Stand (2006)
A thousand times I've failed
Still Your mercy remains And should I stumble again
I'm caught in Your grace
Your light will shine when all else fades
Never ending
Your glory goes beyond all fame
Your will above all else
My purpose remains
The art of losing myself
In bringing You praise
Your light will shine when all else fades
Never ending
Your glory goes beyond all fame
In my heart and my soul
Lord I give You control
Consume me from the inside out
Lord let justice and praise
Become my embrace
To love you from the inside out
Your light will shine when all else fades
Never ending
Your glory goes beyond all fame
And the cry of my heart
Is to bring You praise
From the inside out
Lord my soul cries out
Monday, July 16, 2007
Can this be true?
Tell me, can this be real?
How can I put into words what I feel?
My life was completeI thought I was whole
Why do I feel like I'm losing control?
I never thought that love could feel like this
and you've changed my world with just one kiss.
How can it be that right here with methere's an angel?
It's a miracle...
Your love is like a river
Peaceful and deep
Your soul is like a secret
That I never could keep
When I look into your eyes
I know that it's true
God must have spent...
A little more time
On you...
In all of creation
All things great and small
You are the one that surpasses them all
More precious than
Any diamond or pearl
They broke the mold
When you came in this world
And I'm trying hard to figure out
Just how I ever did without
The warmth of your smile
The heart of a child
That's deep inside
Leaves me purified
Your love is like a river
Peaceful and deep
Your soul is like a secret
That I never could keep
When I look into your eyes
I know that it's true
God must have spent...
A little more time
On you...
A song dedicated to my bro (read Derrick).....Haha I know it sounds gay if the song was sung to a guy but just ignore the kiss and the baby haha. Bro thanks for being there for me.
Monday, July 9, 2007
I was asked this question before and before yesterday I have never felt jealous in my whole life (okay maybe a little). But yesterday I had a full blown jealous fit. The whole feeling is horrible and people think that you are insane or something like that. I won't tell you why I was jealous because it involves a lot of secret keeping. But the feeling I would like to say. It makes you think differently about things. It makes you think that you are not loved. It makes you think that life is over. And of course you can't sleep. wonder it's one of the deadly sins.
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
So far everything is fine but the cleaning up of the house was a terrible thing for us housemates. Let me tell you why, the house was in a total mess and so damn dirty. I had to clean the toilet which was growing with moss.
It almost look like this....Not my toilet
I'm sorry to say but the people who lived here before us were bad house tenants. The whole house was filled with cob webs and dun get me started with the fans. The fans were filled with a thick layer of dust. 1 inch. Thank God my nose was not triggered by it.
I'm going to have to get use to living here now..sigh
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Monday, June 25, 2007
Psalm 10:12-13
Time to get up, God - get moving.
The luckless think they're Godforsaken.
They wonder why the wicked scorn God
and get away with it,
Why the wicked are so cocksure
they'll never come up for audit
Psalm 50:15
And call for help when you're in trouble -
I'll help you, and you'll honour me
Psalm 55:16-17,22
I call to God;
God will help me.
At dusk, dawn, and noon I sigh
deep sighs - he hears, he rescues.
Pile your troubles on God's shoulders -
he'll carry your load, he'll help us out
Psalm 80:18-19
We will never turn our back on you;
breathe life into our lungs so we can shout your name!
God, God of the Angel Armies, come back!
Smile your blessing smile:
That will be our salvation
Psalm 91:14-16
"If you'll hold on to me for dear life," says God,
"I'll get you out of any trouble.
I'll give you the best of care
if you'll only get to know and trust me.
Call me and I'll answer, be at your side in bad times;
I'll rescue you, then throw you a party.
I'll give you a long life,
give you a long drink of salvation
Psalm 145:18-19
God's there, listening for all who pray,
for all who pray and mean it.
He does what's best for those who fear him -
hears them call out, and saves them.
Jeremiah 29:11-13
I know what I'm doing. I have it all planned out - plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for. "When you call on me, when you come and pray to me, I'll listen. When you come looking for me, you'll find me"
Jeremiah 33:2-3
"This is God's message, the God who made earth, made it livable and lasting, known everywhere as God: Call to me and I will answer you. I'll tell you marvelous and wondrous things that you could never figure out on your own."
Hope you will find encouragement in this
Friday, June 22, 2007
The rain may be falling and lightning fills the sky
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
There you have it the family members of chalet 9, from left :
Grandma Swee Kit : I call her my guru, my rabbi..all these years she has been a great friend and mentor to me. Glad she is in the FES northern office and she always answers my sos calls.
Andrew : A junior I knew in SMI. Haha he is so different from the Andrew I knew back in school. So much confidence and haha and the look wow......
Shireen : Haha this niece I tell you is the cutest. Haha she will suddenly run across the room when her phone starts ringing...obviously you know who was at the end of the line.
Grandma Annette : My mama.... haha I officially became her son. Well I'm glad to have worked with her in this camp. She's also the queen of lame jokes and mischief. Thanks to her, I've joined forces. She's also my 'home', she really made me feel fit in. She is now in my list of people who I admire.
Grandma Wan Ling : This is my first time meeting her after my camp cameron. HAha...that time, I was so taken aback because she is so gila gila person. Crazy always laughing. But this time around I also got to see the serious side of her. She was also my output. During the camp you get frustated also la...she was the one who became my shoulder to cry on.
Bi Peen : Hmm...when I first found out that he was in my family, I was like hmm how to talk to him. I don't even talk to him in CF (not much la). But in this camp, I believe God opened a window for me to see another side of him, the not so serious side. In campus, he always look so serious, I also scared.
Weng Hong : Haha.....this boy I knew since band time in SMI. I didn't know he accepted Christ, so the first time I contacted him, I didn't know it was my junior. After much talking to him, I realised he sounds like the Weng Hong I know. I asked, and he liked what's your surname, I said Chan..and he liked Aaron Chan!!!! haha...well he is so much different now. Thank God for his salvation.
Luke : Reminded of my own Camp Cameron Papa Gerry. Both also short (sorry Luke) and also so soft-spoken. Only during the 2nd half of camp, did we see the other side of Luke. Oh my goodness, he can tell a good lame joke and never laughs. And he had a hidden talent, acting. Most of all, I loved his passion for God. He really wants to see his family change.
Papa Michael : Haha this papa, is girl-crazy. Always talking about girls and how much MMS we have (Missing Michael Syndrome) . He is such a character but also a very good leader. He led the family really well and I'm glad to have met him again (we met at convention before) . Right now, he is trying to get the family to meet up again.
Day Wei : A quiet girl who sleeps a lot. If there is any rest time, she will be on the bed snoozing. She is the same age as me so it was kinda funny for her to call me uncle for the whole camp.
Jin Ann : Another junior from SMI. I've never talked to her in SMI before. I always viewed her as quiet (diam-diam ubi berisi) and of course hard working. Here I really admire her passion in seeing her campus starting a CF. I pray that the day will come when she is able to say that her campus has a CF.
Suit Lin : Haha this girl I really tabik. She loves doing the house work in the chalet. Always serving us and washing up the plates. She washed so much that we had to stop her from doing it. She striked me as a girl who viewed things differently. Anything can become poetic. I mean anything and everything.
Jen-Hann : Hmm...this boy reminds me of me. And I was drawn to him the whole camp. We talked most of the time and the more I talked, the more I see me in him. He also reminds me of Derrick. Maybe I'm drawn to people who has problems with their dads or mums.
Mama Ann Gie : The sweetest thing you ever meet. She is so responsible and very serious about her role as mama in the chalet. Very prompt with things and also very quiet. But she is also a good player in Mafia. Her face so sweet how to say she is the mafia.
Rachel : The girl who never left home. hhaha serious. She lives in camerons. So she technically left home. But she said she had a good time. She actually told me that I'm a very funny a hilarious guy. She says she never saw a guy who expresses himself so much.
Sarah : The VP was in the house. haha....She is a cool girl with a mind of her own. She has a big heart for the ministry and boy can she move. She can makes her own dance moves and she learns dance moves pretty fast.
June : And finally the girl with the teeth problem. Not much of a problem, she says she has a syndrome, she has fewer teeth than normal people. haha. This girl ah very naughty but yet nice to talk with. We have the same wavy length and sometimes she understands wat I say when I'm talking in another sense.
Tat's it the whole chalet 9 family. I miss you guys.
Monday, May 7, 2007
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Saturday, April 21, 2007
This week itself I'm saying goodbye to 86 wonderful people. My coursemates. I really can't believe that 4 years has already passed and that now we are all going our own separate ways. I know that deep within my heart that we will meet each other but I guess the closeness that we once have might not be there anymore. That day Derrick told me that changes is evitable. I guess that's the thing that I'm not ready to do. Maybe I just need to learn how to except it. The feeling of moving on is not as good as it is. I'm going to lose so many wonderful friends which I made during the last 4 years. I know I will still see them and thank God for technology that we are able to keep in touch.
To all my dear coursemates, you guys rock. I will always cherish all the times we had and also all the times we shared. I pray that we will meet again and God willing we will see each other soon. All the best in your future undertakings and forget me not ya. Here's a song for you guys. It's a song by Spice Girls - Good bye
Listen little child
There will come a day
When you will be able, able to say
Never mind the pain, all the aggravation
You know there's a better way
For you and me to be
Look for the rainbow in every storm
Fly like an angel heaven sent to me
Goodbye my friend
(I know you're gone, you said you're gone but I can still feel you here)
It's not the end
(You gotta keep it strong before the pain turns into fear)
So glad we made it, time will never change it, no no
No no no
Just a little girl, big imagination
Never letting no one take it away
Went into the world, what a revelation
She found there's a better way for you and me to be
Look for the rainbow in every storm
Find out for certain love's gonna be there for you
You'll always be someone's baby
Goodbye my friend
(I know you're gone, you said you're gone but I can still feel you here)
It's not the end
(You gotta keep it strong before the pain turns into fear)
So glad we made it, time will never change it, no no
No no no no (You know it's time to say goodbye)
No no no no
The times when we would play about
The way we used to scream and shout
We never dreamed you'd go your own sweet way
Look for the rainbow in every storm
Find out for certain love's gonna be there for you
You'll always be someone's baby
Goodbye my friend
(I know you're gone, you said you're gone but I can still feel you here)
It's not the end
(You gotta keep it strong before the pain turns into fear)
So glad we made it, time will never never ever change it
No no no no
(You know it's time to say goodbye)
No no no no
(And don't forget you can rely)
No no no no
(You know it's time to say goodbye and don't forget on me you can rely)
No no no no
(I will help, help you on your way)
No no no no
(I will be with you every day)
No no no no...
Here's a hug for each of u :'(
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Hmm recently, I was caught by the musical bug again (maybe because I’m going to S’pore to watch Phantom of the Opera). And I was thinking of telling you one of my favourite musicals of all time. THE SOUND OF MUSIC. The Sound of Music was directed by Robert Wise and starred Julie Andrews (my favourite musical actress next to Lea Salonga) and Christopher Plummer.

This musical was actually my first musical I’ve ever watched. My grandmother (God bless her) was the one who introduced me to this wonderful musical. The story line and the music are the many reasons why I’ve watched this musical more than 100 times (I’ve counted) and I still watch it today. I’ve lost count also the many times I would just listen to the dialogue while I’m doing my work even without watching the picture, I can visualize what is happening.
Why do I like this musical? Well I guess it was the first musical I’ve ever watched, and it is the musical that made me liked performing arts. As a young child, I would put on the music and make my own steps/choreograph the dance sequence (although I can’t dance). I would also sing along and that’s where the hobby of singing anywhere and anytime came about. The songs are easy to follow and catchy.
Although I have watched this musical so many times, it stills give me the goosebumps when Julie Andrews burst into the first song and it still brings tears in my eyes when the captain sings The Sound of Music with his kids and when the reverend mother sings Climb every Mountain.
The Sound of Music has also been tested against time. My niece (about 9) is in Britney Spears era. I have always thought this generation may not appreciate movies like this. But I was wrong. I put on the show for them to watch (told them it was Uncle Aaron’s favourite) and my goodness they were glued. And they liked it. I guess The Sound of Music is here to stay.
The movie version of the Sound of Music is not the same as the stage version. Both have the same songs but the interpretation of the script is a little different. I prefer the movie version cause it makes Maria and Captain a little more realistic than the stage play.
Below are some trivia about the movie that I found interesting out of wikipedia:
1) Many people believe "Edelweiss" to be a traditional Austrian song, or even the national anthem. In fact the song was written for the musical and is little known in Austria. The song was the last that Oscar Hammerstein II wrote.
2) The Ländler dance that Maria and the Captain shared was not performed the traditional way it is done in Austria.
3) "I Have Confidence" is a song that Rodgers wrote as a musical bridge, needed in the movie to get Maria from the convent to the von Trapp manor (as he explained). During that segment, at one point Julie Andrews passes under an archway. As pointed out in one of the DVD's extras, the real Maria von Trapp, one of her daughters, and one of her daughters (Maria's granddaughter) can be seen starting to cross the road at that point. The von Trapps arrived on set that day and director Wise offered them this walk-on role. It has also been reported that Andrews tripped at one point during the filming, a moment the editors left in because it seemed to fit the character.
4) The order of several of the songs is markedly different between the stage play and the film, thanks to the screenwriting of Ernest Lehman. One example is that in the play, "My Favorite Things" is sung at the convent, whereas in the movie it is sung to the children. A couple of the songs were altered. "How Can Love Survive?" (which did not fit the flow of the movie very well) was reduced to an instrumental, one of several waltz numbers played at the party occurring just before intermission. The title song's four-line prelude ("My day in the hills has come to an end, I know..."), sung by Mary Martin in the stage play, is reduced to an instrumental hint during the overture and dramatic zoom-in shot to Julie Andrews on the mountaintop at the start of the movie.
5) Ironically, the movie featured a rare onscreen performance by Marni Nixon, who plays Sister Sophia and is well known to have dubbed the singing voices for many famous movie stars such as Audrey Hepburn in My Fair Lady. In fact, the producers weren't sure how Julie Andrews would react to her after Marni dubbed Hepburn in a role made famous by Andrews; however, when Andrews first met Nixon, she exclaimed, "Marni, I'm a fan of you!" and the producers were relieved.
A Scene from Sound of Music
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
So I went back to think and asked her about the details. She said that I would be able to get RM 1300 a month if I work on her project. Hmm.....really tempting. After much discussion with my parents and prayer, I just thought why not hear her out about the project. Yesterday, I went to see her. She first said, you better make your decision cause I'm holding the project for you. She then told me the details and that I need to finish my thesis and research by a year. She said that I need to be very hardworking and I have to finish it. I just sat there and I just said okay. Haha. I didn't even think. I just said yes.
The project I'm undertaking has a lot to do with construction. How to use old construction material and recycle them to make new materials. Well it is a good thing as GAMUDA is a construction company so mayb my research could help them. Anyway I'm glad that everything turn out fine. Just wait for God to do the work.

Thursday, April 12, 2007
It began in January, when my lecturer suggested me to take up masters. I thought and thought and actually decided why not? Then I applied and prayed. In February me and my course mate (from which here on will be ET...seriously tat's his initials) went to IPS to hand in our forms. We actually went there 1 week before the closing date of the application. 1 week!!!! We sat down with the admin people to see whether everything was in order. We asked whether we need to add anything into our application or did we miss out anything. They all said OKAY, all checks out.
1 month later, still no word about our application. ET decided to call up and lo and behold, they said our application did not get processed because our application is not complete. We were like, but you said it was. Then they said tat we needed to post in our results (which we did, but it states clearly that they wanted only our most recent results but they wanted the whole results from sem 1). Okay so ET and myself posted our results. 2 days later, ET decided to call up again. (by this time at least the website did say our application was in review), they said that Civil school has closed the application and deemed ours as late. WT*, it's not our fault that we were late, you guys screwed things up for us. So off we went to Civil school to see what can be done. At least there are ppl there who told us the same things about not to worry..bla bla after another month both of us are left in the dark. Sigh.......
God has been gracious though. He actually blessed me some amount of money to study my masters. My company graciously let me take a yr off from work to study. So I'm getting mixed responses. Later in the evening there is a talk from my own school about master studies. If can I don't mind switching again. See how it goes.....sigh..........
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Glad you are able to make it to my new blog. If you guys dunno, it has been a loooonnnggggg time since I've blog. Now trying my very best to blog as much. Thanks to Josh E. and Pui Fern for inspiring me again.
Me and Max
Yeah trying things.......
Okay it has been a long time and ya feel ashamed when some of you still tell me why i haven't updated the blog. Well first of all, am super lazy because of the connection here. It breaks and everytime when I finish writing it cannot be published. Second i was super busy with a lot of things.
After talking to a few bloggers, they have encouraged me to shift my blog to a newer site. Actually I have tat site before, blogspot. But tat time it was very new and very few features compared to this. Pui Fern and Josh have encouraged me to shift my blog to blogspot. So telling u guys, there is a new blog in town. MINE
Here's the add:
I'll try my very best to update and also put in some pictures and cool things lah.....stil learning.
My plant design finally passed up to my supervisor. Finally after 3 months of slavery and sleepless nites, already done with it. The whole design process for me was a terror and nitemare. Broke down on one of the nites and couldn't sleep. Thank God for my brothers in arms who helped me pick up. Derrick, Yan Wai, Josh E and Max, thank you for sticking with me. You don't know how it feels to be loved and cared for unless you yourself are stuck in that situation.
16th - 22nd October was a killer week. Here's my schedule
16th - Task 3 Design deadline
17th - Lab VIVA
18th - Waste water Engineering Test and Lab Test
19th - Design Test
20th - ASPEN Plus Design deadline, Advanced Control Assignment 2 & 3 deadline
So by the 20th, I was knock out cold. Then 21st had Worship Practice and den 22nd the most interesting thing that happened in my life....tell you later about tat :P
13th-15th October was in Ipoh for my Convention Organising Team Meeting. Mind you this year's convention is a lot of newbies in the group. So a lot of new ideas and not so sure tangible ideas have been put forward. A lot of the seniors are coming in late for convention so the newbies have to put thier best foot forward. It's kinda weird to see that as a chairperson, you dun have much work to do. Just a lot of overseeing and giving advices. As Eric once said, it's time for me to let go. Haha!!!
24th-25th October: Went for church camp. Camp was held in Bukit Merah and it was cool. For the first time in my life, I've got to know all the members in PBBC. And it really taught me a few good lessons. First of all, God showed me to shut up and observe ppl more. And second of all, got to spend time with so much aunties and uncles that it taught me tat I will become like them one day. And it was a humbling experience. The food was not so great in Bukit Merah but the fellowship was super great. On the last day, the USMers went to the water park. Actually it was a guy's fellowship (sausage party as deemed by Jason). Me, Derrick, Yan Wai, Josh E, Jason, and Chee Khoon had a blast in the water park. Worth the RM 21 we paid (I think). And the trip back was also memorable. Got stuck in a traffic jam on the highway. I was driving the van and my legs were wobbling after that.
26th October - Another turning point. You guys still remember Jon? haha...For those who don't know, he was an ex prez of the CF. A very close fren of mine. Actually can say we are like brothers. He really took care of me when I was a junior. And until now, he is always looking out for me (Thanks Jon). Well after he left, he reminded me tat it is now my turn to look out for another junior. To guide that person until I leave. So after much prayer and testing waters and eureeka I've found him. Derrick is my new found bro. And I hope I can be a blessing to him. Not just in campus here but when we are out there in the world too. Sui Ying was commenting that we look like those HK movies. haha. Need to cut ourselves and drip blood. So Derrick, here's to a new road together cheers.
As you can see October is a crazy month and still got two more days. Tomorrow is mum and dad's anniversary and wishin them a great 25th Anniversary.
Cheers peeps