Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Heard this joke in Dear's church the other day. Goes like this:

A preacher on a Sunday morning was giving the annoucement. "Today I have some good news and some bad news to share with you"

"We want to hear the good news first", said one of his congregation

"Well I want to say that we have enough funds to sustain our church. We have enough money to renovate our church. We always wanted the new tiles for our floors, well now we can do it. Not only that, we have extras to be able to employ more workers while still able to support our current staff and pastors. We can even support 1 or 2 mission workers overseas", exclaimed the preacher.

The whole church then suddenly erupted in cheers and shout of Amen and Hallelujah. When the noise died down, another member of his congregation asked, "What is the bad news then?"

The preacher looked up and sigh, "The funds are all in your pocket!"


Something to think about right?

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