Wednesday, February 25, 2009


OH my goodness, I think my blog posts are all 2 per month.......hahaha sorry guys, am absolutely tied up with my work and also with other activities (or just plain lazy to update).....

Anyway some new updates about me:

Just finished 2 big events for the CF. 1 was the CF Concert last week. IT was a rocking concert. Although the hall was not filled to the rim but at least the audience this time stayed for the whole thing. That was more important than having 300 people coming. We had about 150 ish and well I believe God was in control and it was a fun nite. I got to do my last mime in USM (I think) with Jinny. It's freaking awesome cause thanks to Yew Kong I got to paint my face white. However, knowing that I sweat a lot the paint kinda smeared -_- . I'm waiting for the video to come out so I'll post pictures (as soon as Joshua Entol gives it to us). Just when I thought I could rest, remembered that there was a Final Year Retreat (FYR) that weekend and I was speaking for 2 sessions. Wah I really had little sleep and all but yet the retreat was great. We went back to MAxwell Hill for the retreat and believe me when I always say God is always speaking to me in the moutains. One of the things I really appreciate God was Derrick and Jinny. We were hikin up to our bungalow at Maxwell Hill and because of time, we had to rush up the hill. Now with my knee condition I knew that I would be able to make it up but don't rush me...I have to takemy time but becauswe of the rushing, my knee hurt like hell. Half way up I wantd to give up and ask them to leave me there. But Derrick keep pulling me up and keep cheering me. For that I trully love him (as a brother). Jinny on the other hand was my entertainer. haha We played mahjong till so late until we got fed up with mahjong. hahaha.... Jinny thanks for being there ya.................
I've finished my third chapter of my thesis and now starting on my first chapter (huh?). haha long story short, I've decided to do the easier chapters first before the harder chapters. But my boss is driving me crazy and keep delyaing me with my thesis. I hope to finish my 1st chapter soon......
Well all in all I'm still alive....but feeling down lately. Feeling very demotivated everyday. Keep having negative thoughts and feeling tension all the time. TO the extent I can't sleep at nite (sometimes)....pls pray for me :)

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